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PowerShell / XML - Copy xml file to folder according to node value

I'm fairly new to PowerShell but have used it in a limited capacity thus far.

So, here's my problem: I have 100,000's of xml files which contain a node that has a State value. I would like to use PowerShell to read the files then copy the files into their respective State folders. I can have the folders already created or have the PS script do it. Either would work but I would like to learn how to do both 1. copy the files to specific folders and 2. create the folders then copy the files to them.



      <Address1>123 STREET</Address1>


      <Address1>234 STREET</Address1>

To reiterate: I would like to read the files that exist in a single folder. Copy the files to their respective State folders according to the <State> node.

Also, there is more than 1 <State> node per XML file so I will need to use an absolute path (not sure if that's the correct term).

I want to thank you all in advance and any assistance you can provide is greatly appreciated.


  • Use Select-Xml to extract the first <State> node in each document, then move the file based on that:

    Get-ChildItem |Select-Xml -XPath '//State[1]' |ForEach-Object {
      $State = $_.Node.InnerText
      # Check to see if folder already exists, otherwise create it
      if(-not(Test-Path $State)){
        $null = mkdir $State
      # Move the source file to the state folder
      Move-Item -LiteralPath $_.Path -Destination $State

    The XPath predicate means:

    //           # Anywhere in the node tree
      State      # Find a <State> node
           [1]   # Select the one at position 1