I've written a function to download multiple files from NOAA's database. Firstly, I've got sites
which is a list of site ID's that I want to download off the website. It looks like this:
> head(sites)
[1] "9212"
[1] "10158"
[1] "11098"
> length(sites)
[1] 2504
My function is shown below.
tested<-lapply(seq_along(sites), function(x) {
data=GET(paste0('https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo-search/data/search.json?xmlId=', no))
download.file(URL, destfile=paste0('./tree_ring/', no, '.zip'))
The weird issue is that it works for the first three sites (downloads properly), but then it stops after the three sites and throws the following error:
Error in charToRaw(URL) : argument must be a character vector of length 1
I've tried manually downloading the 4th and 5th site (using the same code as above, but not within function) and it works fine. What could be going on here?
EDIT 1: Showing more site ID's as requested
> dput(sites[1:6])
list("9212", "10158", "11098", "15757", "15777", "15781")
I converted your code to a for
loop so I could see the most recent values of all your variables when things fail.
The fails aren't consistently on the 4th site. Running your code a few times, sometimes it fails on 2, or 3, or 4. When it fails, if I look at j
, I see this:
[1] "finalizing archive"
[1] "working"
[1] "finalizing archive"
[1] "working"
If I re-run check=GET(v$statusUrl); j<-content(check)
a few seconds later, then I see
[1] "https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/web-content/paleo/bundle/1986420067_2020-04-23.zip"
[1] "complete"
So, I think it takes the server a little bit of time to prepare the file for download, and sometimes R asks for the file before it's ready, which causes an error. A simple fix might look like this:
check_status <- function(v) {
check <- GET(v$statusUrl)
for(x in seq_along(sites)) {
data=GET(paste0('https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo-search/data/search.json?xmlId=', no))
try_counter <- 0
j <- check_status(v)
while(j$status != "complete" & try_counter < 100) {
j <- check_status(v)
download.file(URL, destfile=paste0(no, '.zip'))
If the status isn't ready, this version will wait 0.1 seconds before checking again, up to 10 seconds.