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FailedMissingOutput error In Design Automation for Revit with a CustomExporter plugin

I am trying to port a Revit plugin to design automation and keep running into failedInstructions error. It seems like the output file is missing:

[04/02/2020 23:29:05] Finished running.  Process will return: Success
[04/02/2020 23:29:05] ====== Revit finished running: revitcoreconsole ======
[04/02/2020 23:29:06] End Revit Core Engine standard output dump.
[04/02/2020 23:29:06] End script phase.
[04/02/2020 23:29:06] Start upload phase.
[04/02/2020 23:29:06] Error: Non-optional output [result.avr] is missing.
[04/02/2020 23:29:06] Error: An unexpected error happened during phase Publishing of job.
[04/02/2020 23:29:06] Job finished with result FailedMissingOutput
[04/02/2020 23:29:06] Job Status:

When I debug the build locally (following this), the output file is in the sandbox folder at the end of the plugin run, so I am not sure what I am doing wrong.

The plugin basically is a CustomExporter and creates a binary file at the end of the export. Is it possible that I am saving the file to the wrong location? How should I acquire the location where the output file should be saved? Currently this is how I acquire it:

string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(designAutomationData.FilePath);

I am not sure if that's the best way to do it, it does work though when I locally debug the build.


Here is the error report that I got after changing the activity config:

[04/16/2020 22:53:18] Job information:
  "$(engine.path)\\\\revitcoreconsole.exe /i $(args[rvtFile].path) /al $(appbundles[AppliedVR2].path)"
  "dasreportfailedlimits": {
    "value": "true",
    "isEnvironmentVariable": true
"Apps": [
  "rvtFile": {
    "localName": "input.rvt",
    "url": ""
  "result": {
    "localName": "result.avr",
    "url": "",
    "verb": "put"
  "onProgress": {
    "ondemand": true,
    "url": "",
    "headers": {
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
      "x-das-authorize": "awssigv4(us-east-1)",
      "x-ads-token-data": "{\"access_token\":{\"client_id\":\"v6Y3fgoTmhViA3mDVLmGAD0vKIHoist4\"},\"scope\":\"code:all data:write data:read bucket:create bucket:delete\",\"expires_in\":3223,\"client_id\":\"v6Y3fgoTmhViA3mDVLmGAD0vKIHoist4\"}"
    "verb": "put"
  "limitDownloads": 200,
  "limitUploads": 200,
  "limitDownloadSizeMB": 2000,
  "limitUploadSizeMB": 2000,
  "limitProcessingTimeSec": 10800,
  "limitTotalUncompressedAppsSizeInMB": 5000
[04/16/2020 22:53:18] Starting work item f8cd8a94406446378d9264575d78ab87
[04/16/2020 22:53:18] Start preparing AppPackage AppliedVR2.
[04/16/2020 22:53:18] Download bits and install app to local cache.
[04/16/2020 22:53:18] Start download phase.
[04/16/2020 22:53:18] Start downloading file
[04/16/2020 22:53:19] End downloading file 17813504 bytes have been written to T:\Aces\Jobs\f8cd8a94406446378d9264575d78ab87\input.rvt.
[04/16/2020 22:53:19] End download phase.
[04/16/2020 22:53:19] Start preparing script and command line parameters.
[04/16/2020 22:53:19] Command line: [ /i T:\Aces\Jobs\f8cd8a94406446378d9264575d78ab87\input.rvt /al T:\Aces\Applications\de0b7681c6a14291e1f8079b595309bf.AppliedVR.AppliedVR2[5].package]
[04/16/2020 22:53:19] End preparing script and command line parameters.
[04/16/2020 22:53:19] Start script phase.
[04/16/2020 22:53:19] ### Command line arguments: /isolate HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\AppDataLow\Software\Autodesk\CoreUser\WorkItem_f8cd8a94406446378d9264575d78ab87 "T:\Aces\Jobs\f8cd8a94406446378d9264575d78ab87\userdata" /exe "T:\Aces\AcesRoot\20.0\coreEngine\Exe\revitcoreconsole.exe"  /i T:\Aces\Jobs\f8cd8a94406446378d9264575d78ab87\input.rvt /al T:\Aces\Applications\de0b7681c6a14291e1f8079b595309bf.AppliedVR.AppliedVR2[5].package.
[04/16/2020 22:53:19] Start Revit Core Engine standard output dump.
[04/16/2020 22:53:19] Running in unattended mode.
[04/16/2020 22:53:19] ====== Revit is running: revitcoreconsole ======
[04/16/2020 22:53:19] Current Exe path: T:\Aces\AcesRoot\20.0\coreEngine\Exe\revitcoreconsole.exe
[04/16/2020 22:53:19] Echoing command line args:
[04/16/2020 22:53:19]   0:/i
[04/16/2020 22:53:19]   1:T:\Aces\Jobs\f8cd8a94406446378d9264575d78ab87\input.rvt
[04/16/2020 22:53:19]   2:/al
[04/16/2020 22:53:19]   3:T:\Aces\Applications\de0b7681c6a14291e1f8079b595309bf.AppliedVR.AppliedVR2[5].package
[04/16/2020 22:53:19]   4:/isolate
[04/16/2020 22:53:19]   5:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\AppDataLow\Software\Autodesk\CoreUser\WorkItem_f8cd8a94406446378d9264575d78ab87
[04/16/2020 22:53:19]   6:T:\Aces\Jobs\f8cd8a94406446378d9264575d78ab87\userdata
[04/16/2020 22:53:19] Running RevitAssemblyResolver....
[04/16/2020 22:53:19] Initializing RevitCoreEngine...
[04/16/2020 22:53:19] Selected Revit\RCE install Path: (from app.config) C:\Revit2020
[04/16/2020 22:53:19] Resolving location of Revit/RevitCoreEngine installation...
[04/16/2020 22:53:19] Running user application....
[04/16/2020 22:53:22] Found an addIn for registration: AppliedVR.addin
[04/16/2020 22:53:22] Initializing RCE....
[04/16/2020 22:53:22] Initializing RevitCoreEngine (and possibly running stub installer)...
[04/16/2020 22:53:22] Language not specified, using English as default
[04/16/2020 22:53:27] Initialize and  get RCE: (VersionBuild) (VersionNumber) 2020 (SubVersionNumber) 2020.2
[04/16/2020 22:53:41] entering finishPlayback .. destroy m_PlaybackState

continuing finishPlayback .. destroy callStream()

exited finishPlayback

[04/16/2020 22:53:41] Finished running.  Process will return: Success
[04/16/2020 22:53:41] ====== Revit finished running: revitcoreconsole ======
[04/16/2020 22:53:42] End Revit Core Engine standard output dump.
[04/16/2020 22:53:42] End script phase.
[04/16/2020 22:53:42] Start upload phase.
[04/16/2020 22:53:42] Error: Non-optional output [result.avr] is missing.
[04/16/2020 22:53:42] Error: An unexpected error happened during phase Publishing of job.
[04/16/2020 22:53:42] Job finished with result FailedMissingOutput
[04/16/2020 22:53:42] Job Status:
  "status": "failedInstructions",
  "reportUrl": "",
  "stats": {
    "timeQueued": "2020-04-16T22:53:17.8599944Z",
    "timeDownloadStarted": "2020-04-16T22:53:18.3570171Z",
    "timeInstructionsStarted": "2020-04-16T22:53:19.2091954Z",
    "timeInstructionsEnded": "2020-04-16T22:53:42.9536344Z",
    "timeUploadEnded": "2020-04-16T22:53:42.9540772Z",
    "bytesDownloaded": 17813504
  "id": "f8cd8a94406446378d9264575d78ab87"


  • Ok I did a little more experimenting, and fixed the issue. I had some operations that I executed on background threads, none of which interacted with Revit API. They work fine when I run the plugin locally, but I assume I cannot use background threads on Forge. I would have expected that to show up as an error in the log though.