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I haven't found the answer to this, why continue in switch case affects the loop outside the switch but break doesn't "break" the loop?

Here's the code:

#include <stdio.h>

int main ()
    int menu=0;
    while (menu!=3)
        scanf ("%d", &menu);
        switch (menu)
            case 1:
                printf ("Case 1\n");

            case 2:
                printf ("Case 2\n");
        printf ("This doesn't get printed by case 1\n");

    return 0;

Every time I put it 1, that printf won't show up, but other than that, it works well. So how continue and break works for switch inside a loop? Why break doesn't break the loop? Instead, it prevents the next cases to be done right? But what about continue? To be clear, I'm actually asking how is it different and how those actually work. Note: I've done this too in java (with eclipse).


  • B (and thereafter its descendants including C++, Java or JavaScript) overloads the break keyword to jump out of switches.

    So when you're in a nested loop/switch situation, the break keyword will apply to the innermost switch or loop, whichever is closer.

    This overload is an accident of history. B started by copying BCPL and while BCPL later gained an endcase keyword design specifically for breaking switches, Thompson and Ritchie were not aware of the change and so B and C remained with their home-made readaptation of break for this purpose.


    Not every difference between the BCPL language documented in Richards’s book [Richards79] and B was deliberate; we started from an earlier version of BCPL [Richards 67]. For example, the endcase that escapes from a BCPL switchon statement was not present in the language when we learned it in the 1960s, and so the overloading of the break keyword to escape from the B and C switch statement owes to divergent evolution rather than conscious change.


    In any case, in B/C/C++, break/continue is nothing but syntactic sugar for a goto and if you want to break/continue something other than the innermost loop/switch, you can always achieve it by using an explicit goto:

    #include <stdio.h>
    int main ()
        int menu=0;
        while (menu!=3)
            scanf ("%d", &menu);
            switch (menu)
                case 1:
                    printf ("Case 1\n");
                case 2:
                    printf ("Case 2\n");
                    goto break_loop;
                    //`return 0;` would work too in this case
                    break; //would break out of the switch
            printf ("This doesn't get printed by case 1\n");
        return 0;