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Pandas:Replacing binned columns with representative value efficiently

I want to bin data and select a specific aggregate for each bin.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({ 
  'A': [1, 2, 3, 4],
  'B': [1, 2, 3, 4],
groups = pd.cut(df['A'], bins=2, labels=False)
group_reps = df.groupby([groups]).agg(A=('A', 'mean'))
# ... some magic happens here to replace values in A by group_reps ...
# expected result
# A, B
# 1.5, 1
# 1.5, 2
# 3.5, 3
# 3.5, 4

How can this be implemented efficiently for data of size close to machine memory?


  • If you want to alter one column, you can just handle it separately. Also, transform helps you align the aggregation with the original index:

    df['A'] = df['A'].groupby(groups).transform('mean')