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How to forward incoming data via REST to an SSE stream in Quarkus

In my setting I want to forward certain status changes via an SSE channel (Server sent events). The status changes are initiated by calling a REST endpoint. So, I need to forward the incoming status change to the SSE stream.

What is the best/simplest way to accomplish this in Quarkus.

One solution I can think of is to use an EventBus ( The SSE endpoint would subscribe to the status changes and push it through the SSE channel. The status change endpoint publishes appropriate events.

Is this a viable solution? Are there other (simpler) solutions? Do I need to use the reactive stuff in any case to accomplish this?

Any help is very appreciated!


  • Dmytro, thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I have opted for Mutiny in connection with Kotlin. My code now looks like this:

    data class DeviceStatus(var status: Status = Status.OFFLINE) {
    class DeviceStatusService {
        var deviceStatusProcessor: PublishProcessor<DeviceStatus> = PublishProcessor.create()
        var deviceStatusQueue: Flowable<DeviceStatus> = Flowable.fromPublisher(deviceStatusProcessor)
        fun pushDeviceStatus(deviceStatus: DeviceStatus) {
        fun getStream(): Multi<DeviceStatus> {
            return Multi.createFrom().publisher(deviceStatusQueue)
    class DeviceStatusResource {
        private val LOGGER: Logger = Logger.getLogger("DeviceStatusResource")
        @field: Default
        lateinit var deviceStatusService: DeviceStatusService
        fun status(status: DeviceStatus): Response {
  "POST /deviceStatus " + status.status);
            return Response.ok().build();
        fun stream(): Multi<DeviceStatus>? {
            return deviceStatusService.getStream()

    As minimal setup the service could directly use the deviceStatusProcessor as publisher. However, the Flowable adds buffering. Comments on the implementation are welcome.