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Does ECS Agent require an Amazon Linux AMI in order to run?

I am launching a pair of subnets with a VPC and a public load balancer in ECS Fargate launch mode.

I am having the issue that for some reason, ECS agent does not populate "AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI" environmental variable and therefore, my nodejs aws-sdk is not able to fetch credentials from the IAM role.

Trying to discard possible causes, I came across the following question:

Is is possible that I need to run an official Amazon Linux AMI in order to get ECS Agent to work? (my current app does run alpine linux in the container)


  • If "AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI" is not populated, check that you have assigned a Task role in the task definition:


        "family": "",
        "taskRoleArn": "",             <============== Task role