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How to add custom theme to Ionic 5 application?

I need to add custom theme to Ionic 5 app. I was trying to add red-theme to variables.scss

@media (prefers-color-scheme: red) {
  :root {
    --ion-color-primary: red;

And then I am trying to initialize it through index.html

 <meta name="color-scheme" content="red" />

But it's not working. I also tried to add toggle javascript code from

Is it possible to theme your Ionic application by adding new primary, secondary and tertiary colors and then changing them at run time?


  • You can only use the prefers-color-scheme media query for dark and light themes.

    To add a new custom theme to Ionic, you simply create a new CSS class for it and overwrite every color variable under this CSS rule:

    variables.scss {
      --ion-color-primary: red;

    You can generate the rest of the colors with the Color generator and the Stepped color generator. Finally you might want to tweak some specific color variables such as --ion-toolbar-background etc., for ios and md modes, you can look at the Default dark colors, copy and edit the rest of the colors from there.

    After that, you can create a button which toggles the .red class on the body element and also store the preferred theme inside localStorage or use a cookie and toggle the class when your app loads:


    const theme = localStorage.getItem('theme')
    document.body.classList.toggle('red', theme === 'red')