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How to pass values from a PopupWindow to my "PageViewModel" and update CustomPin properties

I am learning Xamarin Forms with C# and I downloaded the TK.CustomMap example that I want to extend with new features. One of them is dragging a CustomPin at a Map and at end of the drag I open a PopupWindow where the user choose a Date and a Picker item. With these values I want to update the CustomPin properties as you can see at PseudoCode I inserted at C# method I put below. My difficulty is that the example is based at "Command" action so after few days searching I did not find any solution. Thks

Here the Popup Window Xaml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<pages:PopupPage x:Name="popupage"

        Margin="12" Padding="24" BackgroundColor="WhiteSmoke" HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center">
            <Label Text="what's up?" />
                Placeholder="write them here"
                TextChanged="TaskEntry_OnTextChanged" />
            <Label Text="Introduza uma data correcta " />
            <DatePicker x:Name="dtevento" />
            <Picker x:Name="local"

            x:Name="TaskButton" BackgroundColor="Crimson" Clicked="Button_OnClicked" CornerRadius="10"  FontSize="Large"
            IsEnabled="False" Text="Add this task now"  TextColor="White" />

Here is my Popup Window c#

using Rg.Plugins.Popup.Services;
using System;
using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.Xaml;
namespace WorkingWithMaps
    public partial class PopupNewTaskView
        public PopupNewTaskView()

        private void TaskEntry_OnTextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TaskEntry.Text))
                TaskButton.IsEnabled = true;
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TaskEntry.Text))
                TaskButton.IsEnabled = false;

        private async void Button_OnClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            await PopupNavigation.PopAsync();

finally the method (with 2 lines of pseudocode) I want to implement in C# where DatePicker "dtevento" and Picker "local" are used inside the PopupWindow

  public Command<TKCustomMapPin> PinNovaCommand
                return new Command<TKCustomMapPin>(async (TKCustomMapPin pin) =>
                    pin.Title = string.Format("Pin {0}, {1}", pin.Position.Latitude, pin.Position.Longitude);
                    // open (PopupNewTaskView) and get values to update the pin properties
                   //   need something here                     V
                    await PopupNavigation.PushAsync(new PopupNewTaskView());

                    pin.DataEvento = dtevento.SelectedDate; // pseudocode
                    pin.Subtitle = local.selectedItem; // pseudocode    





  • I used this as advised (instead messenger) at the thread Leon mentioned and is working. Anyway I am using a counter to get the parameters. Not sure if it is the best way

      public Command<TKCustomMapPin> PinNovaCommand
                    return new Command<TKCustomMapPin>(async (TKCustomMapPin pin) =>
                        pin.Title = string.Format("Pin {0}, {1}", pin.Position.Latitude, pin.Position.Longitude);
                        string param = String.Empty;
                        int conta = 0;
                        var page = new PopupNewTaskView();
                        page.Action += async (sender, stringparameter) =>
                            param = stringparameter; // Here you can get your data from popup, if you'll use this data for run some 
                            if (conta == 0)
                                pin.Subtitle = param;
                                if(conta == 1)
                                pin.DataEvento = param;
                            // here you can handle the parameter and do your stuff
                        await PopupNavigation.Instance.PushAsync(page);

    The Popup Window C# was modified as suggested. At button_Onclicked I invoked twice because I have 2 parameters. Here it goes the code for it

    using Rg.Plugins.Popup.Services;
    using System;
    using Xamarin.Forms;
    using Xamarin.Forms.Xaml;
    namespace WorkingWithMaps
        public partial class PopupNewTaskView
            public PopupNewTaskView()
            private void TaskEntry_OnTextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TaskEntry.Text))
                    TaskButton.IsEnabled = true;
                else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TaskEntry.Text))
                    TaskButton.IsEnabled = false;
            public EventHandler<string> Action;  //you can change "string" to any parameter you want to pass back.
            private async void Button_OnClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
                string parameter = local.SelectedItem.ToString();
                string parameter2 = dtevento.Date.ToString();
                Action?.Invoke(this, parameter); // don't forget to invoke the method before close the popup. (only invoke when you want to pass the value back).
                Action?.Invoke(this, parameter2);
                await PopupNavigation.PopAsync();