I have expressions in lua which contains standard metatable operations .__add,.__sub,.__mul, (+,-,*)
For example a+b*xyz-cde
I am trying to extract all free variables in table. For this expression, the table will contain {a,b,xyz,cde}
. Right now I am trying it with string operations, like splitting, substituting etc. This seems to work but I feel it as ugly way. It gets little complicated as there may nesting and brackets involved in expressions. For example, the expression (a+b)-c*xyz*(a+(b+c))
should return table {a,b,c,xyz}
. Can there be a simple way to extract free variables in expressions? I am even looking for simple way with string library.
If you want to do string processing, it's easy:
local V={}
local s="((a+b)-c*xyz*(a+(b+c)))"
for k in s:gmatch("%a+") do
for k in pairs(V) do print(k) end
For fun, you can let Lua do the hard work:
local V={}
local _ENV=setmetatable({},{__index=function (t,k) V[k]=k return 0 end})
local _=((a+b)-c*xyz*(a+(b+c)))
for k in pairs(V) do print(k) end
This code evaluates the expression in an empty environment where every variable has the value zero, saving the names of the variables in the expression in a table.