I'm on my first steps with Powershell and I'd like to go into it more.
I'm writing a script that allows the user to connect a network printer to their PC by choosing it from a ListBox.
I have two types of printers. PR stands for printer and SC stands for scanner.
When choosing a PR device, it shows a specific window. Unfortunately the script doesn't understand that by PR* I mean all printers starting with these two letters.
This is my code:
$x = $listBox.SelectedItem
if ($x -eq "PR*"){
I appreciate every type of help!
You need to use the -like
operator to do what you seek.
$x = $listBox.SelectedItem
if ($x -like "PR*"){
Matching Operators
The like operators (-like and -notlike) find elements that match or do not match a specified pattern using wildcard expressions.
The syntax is:
<string[]> -like <wildcard-expression> <string[]> -notlike <wildcard-expression>
Description: Match using the wildcard character (*).
Reference: MSDocs - About Comparison operators