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Maven ignore custom local repository

I am trying to start my tests in an environment without an internet connection. To do this, I need to save my dependencies in the project directory and specify Maven for this repository.

I copy repository folder from .m2 to project, write:


and hoped that the maven would ignore the local m2 repository. But when I remove all the dependencies from m2, the maven still downloads them from the Internet. If i disconnected - the maven ignores the local repository and does not start.

Could not transfer artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:pom:2.5 from/to central ( nodename nor servname provided, or not known

How can I tell the maven to work only from the internal repository? Without custom setting.xml, only on *.pom .


  • Maven is using the values from the settings.xml in {M2_HOME}\conf\settings.xml.

    The issues here is that settings.xml allows you to override definitions in pom.xml, not the other way round. So you can override the tag <localRepository> in settings.xml, more on this here. Also This answer in another thread explains why.

    The other option is to set the maven local repository on the command line:

    mvn clean install -Dmaven.repo.local=repository