I am using React with Ant Design and I want to disable one Form.Item username field. Please see my sample code below,
<Form.Item disabled style={{ padding: '0px 20px' }}>
{getFieldDecorator('username', {
initialValue: this.state.userInfo.username,
validate: [
trigger: ['onChange', 'onBlur'],
rules: [
required: true,
message: t('pleaseInput.username'),
You need to display some sort of UI component inside your <Form.Item>
I suppose you want to display an <Input>
since you have a username. Here's what could be possible with your code :
<Form.Item disabled style={{ padding: '0px 20px' }}>
{getFieldDecorator('username', {
initialValue: this.state.userInfo.username,
validate: [
trigger: ['onChange', 'onBlur'],
rules: [
required: true,
message: t('pleaseInput.username'),
// This is where you want to disable your UI control
Edit 2021: this answer targets the use of ant design's v3 Form component. While the boolean to disable a field might be the same, the Form component in the v4 has seen a lot of changes. See the documentation to migrate from v3 to v4 here.