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Setting keybind / hotkey for rofi on KDE

I'm trying to setup a keybind for running rofi -show combi without having to type it in my terminal (which works fine).

Setting up a custom shortcut via System Settings -> Shortcuts -> Custom Shortcuts does not seem to do anything:

  • Trigger: Meta+W
  • Command/URL: rofi -show combi

I'm running kubuntu 18.04 and rofi is installed via apt.



  • I've got a workaround.

    Since I'm using guake as my main terminal, I'm just making it open a new tab, show rofi and exit the tab afterwards.

    guake -n guake -e " rofi -show combi && exit"

    The executed command deliberately starts with a space, so it won't land in bash history.

    Hope it helps others too :D