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No cached version of org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:1.3.71

all are lastest version...

There are errors after I updated android studio 3.6.3, updated gradle and npm install react-native-swiper...

android studio errors

I try to solve, bug my as settings have not offline work checkbox, please click picture to view

android studio settings

kotlin plug versions is 1.3.72, bug it show 1.3.71 in errors

kotlin 1.3.72 had downloaded



  • from Android Studio 3.6, there is a new location to toggle Gradle's offline mode:

    To enable or disable Gradle's offline mode, first select View > Tool Windows > Gradle from the menu bar. Then, near the top of the Gradle window, click Toggle Offline Mode Gradle offline button in the Gradle panel..

    Toggle button looks like this enter image description here
