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sbt run only work if I select class not if I pass it as argument

I have a project created from a template. When I do sbt run I select a class with main and it runs. But when I pass the class with sbt "runMain com.mitzit.WordCount" it fails. How can I pass the class with main that I want to run from the command line? I don't want to edit build.sbt

Steps to reproduce

get project:

sbt new tillrohrmann/flink-project.g8 \
  --name=sbt-flink-template \
  --organization=com.mitzit \
  --version=0.1 \
  --flink_version=1.7.0 \

This works

run sbt run

Multiple main classes detected, select one to run:

 [1] com.mitzit.Job
 [2] com.mitzit.SocketTextStreamWordCount
 [3] com.mitzit.WordCount

Enter number: 3

[success] Total time: 395 s, completed Apr 22, 2020 4:24:22 PM

This Fails

sbt "runMain com.mitzit.WordCount"

[error] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/flink/api/common/typeinfo/TypeInformation
[error]         at com.mitzit.WordCount.main(WordCount.scala)

How can I run a specific main without having to select it each time?


  • The issue is that in the root project part of the Flink libraries are classified as provided

    To overcome this issue this template project tillrohrmann/flink-project.g8 is providing an utility sub-project mainRunner that simply edit the dependency configuration, removing the provided classifier to enable running it from IntelliJ (or sbt as you are asking)

    you can simply run

    sbt "mainRunner/runMain com.mitzit.WordCount"