I have this SQL query:
SELECT pais FROM pais LEFT OUTER JOIN users_has_pais ON pais.id = users_has_pais.pais_id WHERE users_has_pais.users_id = 100
And I'm trying to write something similar within a model using the leftJoin method from Zend_Db_Table but I have no clue on what I'm doing.... I tried with something like this:
$resultSetPais = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter();
$some = $resultSetPais->select()
->joinLeft( array ( 'users_has_pais' => 'users' ),
'pais.id = users_has_pais.pais_id', 'pais' );
But truth is I have no idea how to make it work and this code just returns the adapter information.
$instance = Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::getDefaultAdapter();
$pais = $instance->select();
$pais->from(array('p' => 'pais'), array('p.pais') )
->join( 'users_has_pais', 'p.id = users_has_pais.pais_id' )
->where( 'users_has_pais.users_id = ?', $row->id );
$paisEntry = $instance->fetchCol($pais);
I'm adding the answer to the question as suggested by @Jaitsu. For this kind of left join:
SELECT pais FROM pais LEFT OUTER JOIN users_has_pais ON pais.id = users_has_pais.pais_id WHERE users_has_pais.users_id = 100
The code should be something like:
$instance = Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::getDefaultAdapter();
$pais = $instance->select();
$pais->from(array('p' => 'pais'), array('p.pais') )
->join( 'users_has_pais', 'p.id = users_has_pais.pais_id' )
->where( 'users_has_pais.users_id = ?', $row->id );
$paisEntry = $instance->fetchCol($pais);