Search code examples

How to prevent select2 from clearing the selected value when clicking on select2 in next row

My web application uses angularjs and php. In the website, there is a section to add estimates by the user. It has select2 as dropdown which populates existing items in the inventory.

<tr class="valign-top"
   ng-repeat="estimate in workorder.steps[1].estimates track by $index"
   ng-init="item_key = $index">
     <div id="material_div{{$index}}"
            ng-if="estimate.type == 'material'"
            class="create_Wo_forms  inspec_crt_forms margin-0">
                style="width: 100%!important;"
                class="crt-wo-input inspec-input"

The entire section is in an ng-repeat in HTML file.

directive('itemWoCreateSelect', function () {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function (scope, elem, attrs) {
            var stepIndex = attrs.stepindex;
            var elemIndex = attrs.itemindex;
            var item = scope.workorder.steps[stepIndex]['estimates'][elemIndex];
            $(elem).append('<option>' + item['name'] + '</option>');
            scope.selected_items = [];
            angular.forEach(scope.workorder.steps[stepIndex]['estimates'], function (v) {
                if (v['item_id'] && v['item_id'] != null && !(v['item_id'] == item['item_id'] && v['unit_cost'] == item['unit_cost'])) {
                    scope.selected_items.push({ 'item_id': v['item_id'], 'unit_price': v['unit_cost'] });
            var formatRepo = function (repo) {
                if (repo.loading)
                    return repo.text;
                var markup = '<span class="label">';
                if (repo.hasOwnProperty('item_name') && repo.item_name.trim()) {
                    markup += repo.item_name + ' (' + repo.unit_price + ')' + '';
                } else {
                    markup += repo.text + '';
                markup += '</span>';
                return markup;

            var formatRepoSelection = function (repo) {
                if (repo.hasOwnProperty('item_name')) {
                    return repo.item_name + ' (' + repo.unit_price + ')';
                } else {
                    item['name'] =;
                placeholder: "Search for item",
                tags: true,
                ajax: {
                    type: 'POST',
                    url: version5Url + 'inventory/getMasterStocksForInvoice',
                    tags: true,
                    data: function (params) {
                        return {
                            token: scope.token,
                            user_id: scope.user_id,
                            client_id: scope.client_id,
                            search: params.term,
                            selected_items: scope.selected_items
                    dataType: 'json',
                    delay: 250,
                    processResults: function (data, params) {

                        if (item['item_id']) {
                            delete item['item_id'];
                        item['unit_cost'] = 0;
                        item['applied_taxes'] = [];
                        item['selected_tax'] = [];
                        item['amount'] = 0;
                        item['quantity'] = 0;
                        item['description'] = '';
                        scope.details =;
                        return {
                            pagination: false
                    cache: false
                escapeMarkup: function (markup) {
                    return markup;
                minimumInputLength: 0,
                templateResult: formatRepo,
                templateSelection: formatRepoSelection

            $(elem).on("select2:select", function () {
                var index = parseInt($(elem).val());
                console.log("Slect", index)
                if (!isNaN(index)) {
                    angular.forEach(scope.details, function (value, k) {
                        if (value['id'] == index) {
                            item['quantity'] = 1;
                            item['lot_number'] = value.lot_number;
                            item['item_id'] = value.item_id;
                            item['name'] = value.item_name + ' (' + value.unit_price + ')';
                            item['description'] = value.item_description;
                            item['unit_cost'] = value['unit_price'];
                            item['applied_taxes'] = [];
                            item['selected_tax'] = [];
                            if (value['taxes'] != '' && value['taxes'] != null) {
                                var tax_array = value['taxes'].split(',').map(function (x) {
                                    return parseInt(x);
                                angular.forEach(scope.newTaxes, function (value, key) {
                                    angular.forEach(tax_array, function (v1, k1) {
                                        if (value['tax_id'] == v1) {
                                            tax_array.splice(k1, 1);
                                item['applied_taxes'] = tax_array;
                                angular.forEach(tax_array, function (value) {
                                    var result = scope.taxes.filter(function (obj) {
                                        return obj.tax_id == value;
                                    if (result.length > 0) {
                                        item['selected_tax'].push(result[0].tax_name + ' (' + result[0].rate + '%)');
                } else {
                    if (item['item_id']) {
                        delete item['item_id'];
                    item['unit_cost'] = 0;
                    item['applied_taxes'] = [];
                    item['selected_tax'] = [];
                    item['amount'] = 0;
                    item['quantity'] = 0;
                    item['description'] = '';


The select2 is initialized by a directive in the js file.

All these functions used to work in select2 version 3.x. But I upgraded the select2 to version 4.0.13 recently and the select2 dropdown in estimates section is not working properly anymore.

ISSUE: Selection in the first row is fine. When a new row is added, the selected value in select2 dropdown of the first row gets cleared. Only the first-row selection works finewhen the select2 in 2nd row is opened the selected value in the first select2 gets cleared.

Please ask for more info if needed. Thanks in advance!


  • From Joe Enzminger's Anwser The trick here is to wrap the select2 initialization inside a timeout function so that the options will be available in DOM as part of a normal select dropdown. Only after the options are part of DOM, can the dropdown be transformed into a select2 dropdown.

    The first $timeout is necessary because the options won't be in the DOM until the next digest cycle. The problem with this is that new options won't be added to the control if the model is later changed by your application.

        $timeout(function() {
                placeholder: "Search for item",
                tags: true,
                ajax: {
                    type: 'POST',
                    url: version5Url + 'inventory/getMasterStocksForInvoice',
                    tags: true,
                    data: function (params) {
                        return {
                            token: scope.token,
                            user_id: scope.user_id,
                            client_id: scope.client_id,
                            search: params.term,
                            selected_items: scope.selected_items
                    dataType: 'json',
                    delay: 250,
                    processResults: function (data, params) {
                        if (item['item_id']) {
                            delete item['item_id'];
                        item['unit_cost'] = 0;
                        item['applied_taxes'] = [];
                        item['selected_tax'] = [];
                        item['amount'] = 0;
                        item['quantity'] = 0;
                        item['description'] = '';
                        scope.details =;
                        return {
                            pagination: false
                    cache: false
                escapeMarkup: function (markup) {
                    return markup;
                minimumInputLength: 0,
                templateResult: formatRepo,
                templateSelection: formatRepoSelection