We've developped an interactive app with Flexdashboard hosted on our own Linux server. Is there a way to quickly implement an authentification service to it ? We've had a look on Polished, but requests a server.r and ui.r and a global.r files. Because it's Flexdashboard we do not have those files;
Thank you very much.
Thanks for posting this question because it inspired me to look into whether or not it would be possible to use polished with flexdashboard. I was not sure if it would work at first, but it turns out that it does!
The code for a working demo of using polished with flexdashboard is here: https://github.com/Tychobra/polished_example_apps/tree/master/05_flex_dashboard
And I deployed a live app here: https://tychobra.shinyapps.io/05_flex_dashboard/. You can sign in using username: demo@tychobra.com and password: polished
I set up polished with that demo flexdashboard using the new polished.tech API which makes it so you do not need to set up and maintain your own PostgreSQL database. You can learn more about using the polished.tech API with polished here: https://polished.tech/