I'm using Google Analytics (gtag version) on my site, and am trying to prevent actual urls from being sent to Google Analytics. Specifically, I see the dl
parameter contains the url:
QUESTION: How can I customize the value of the dl
My current setup is as follows (I'm testing locally, by the way). In the head, I've included the standard Google Analytics gtag code, with a few custom fields:
<script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=<TRACKING_ID>"></script>
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag() { dataLayer.push(arguments); }
gtag('js', new Date());
gtag('config', '<TRACKING_ID>', {
'custom_map': {
'metric1': 'time_to_interactive',
'metric2': 'dom_content_loaded_in',
'metric3': 'dom_completely_loaded',
'dimension1': 'time_to_interactive',
'dimension2': 'dom_content_loaded_in',
'dimension3': 'dom_completely_loaded'
And then in a body load function, I have the following code:
window.gtag('event', 'load', {
'event_category': 'CriticalRenderingPath',
'event_label': document.title, //url,
'time_to_interactive': millisToHumanFormat(interactive),
'dom_content_loaded_in': millisToHumanFormat(dcl),
'dom_completely_loaded': millisToHumanFormat(complete)
Google Analytics developer documentation is pretty inconsistent and terrible, and I was not able to find a clear answer there. On the old system (ga.js), according to this, you can say:
ga('set', 'location', 'CUSTOM_VALUE_HERE');
But I have no idea how to do it using the new gtag version of Google Analytics. I've tried a similar thing - in fact I tried all of these:
gtag('set', {
'pageview': 'TEST_PAGE',
'dl': 'TEST_DL_PAGE',
'location': 'TEST_LOCATION',
'page': 'TEST_PAGE',
'documentlocation': 'TEST_LOCATION',
'documentLocation': 'TEST_LOCATION',
'document-location': 'TEST_LOCATION',
'document_location': 'TEST_LOCATION'
gtag('set', 'location', 'TEST_LOCATION');
gtag('set', 'pageview', 'TEST_LOCATION');
gtag('set', 'dl', 'TEST_LOCATION');
gtag('set', 'page', 'TEST_LOCATION');
gtag('set', 'documentlocation', 'TEST_LOCATION');
gtag('set', 'documentLocation', 'TEST_LOCATION');
gtag('set', 'document-location', 'TEST_LOCATION');
gtag('set', 'document_location', 'TEST_LOCATION');
Nothing works.
Use page_location in your config as listed here, https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gtagjs/pages