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Drop columns for highest values in final row in pandas

I have multiple one column CSV files which I use pandas to concatenate and find the mean:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os
import glob
import pandas as pd
from sys import argv, exit

filenames = [i for i in glob.glob('*.csv')]
comb = pd.concat([pd.read_csv(f, header=None) for f in filenames], axis=1)
comb.columns = [f'Run {i+1}' for i in range(len(comb.columns))]
comb['Mean'] = comb.mean(numeric_only=True, axis=1)
comb.insert(loc=0, column='Epoch', value=[i+1 for i in range(len(comb))])
comb.to_csv(f'{argv[2]}', index=False)

Where argv[1] is the directory to concatenate and argv[2] is where to save the concatenated file. An example input might be:


And an example output:

Epoch   Run 1   Run 2   Run 3   Run 4   Run 5   Mean
1   0.6932  0.6711  0.6687  0.6814  0.6903  0.684856667
2   0.6605  0.6326  0.6423  0.6323  0.6247  0.639423333
3   0.634   0.6003  0.6063  0.5928  0.5786  0.603956667
4   0.5904  0.5604  0.5576  0.5448  0.5276  0.559693333
5   0.5339  0.519   0.5068  0.496   0.4813  0.513653333

This is concatenating five one column, five row CSV files.

How can I drop columns from this table which have the highest number for the final row? Say I want to drop two columns, in this case Run 1 and Run 2. A desired output might be:

Epoch   Run 3   Run 4   Run 5   Mean
1   0.6687  0.6814  0.6903  0.680133333
2   0.6423  0.6323  0.6247  0.6331
3   0.6063  0.5928  0.5786  0.592566667
4   0.5576  0.5448  0.5276  0.543333333
5   0.5068  0.496   0.4813  0.4947

Does pandas have a builtin to drop columns based on the value of some row? I'm interested in the final row for a given column and removing the columns with the highest value there.


  • This might be a little over-killed:

    to_drop = (df.filter(like='Run')  # choose only the `Run` columns
                 .iloc[-1]            # and the last row
                 .nlargest(2)         # two largest cells
                 .index               # then the index, i.e. column names
    df = df.drop(to_drop, axis=1)