I have setup Azure API for FHIR and a storage account. I successfully integrated the Storage account with FHIR by following this tutorial - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/healthcare-apis/configure-export-data
Followed by the integration process, i issues the following rest command
import requests
url = "https://<fhir-server-name>.azurehealthcareapis.com/$export"
payload = {}
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/fhir+json',
'Prefer': 'respond-async',
'Authorization': 'Bearer <token>'
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data = payload)
It returned a 202 response with empty body.. As soon as we send export command, the data would be stored inside our storage or we need to somehow specify the storage account information in our json to start the export process. Can someone clarify ?
When you issue the $export request, the response should have a Content-Location
header with a URL to the status document for the export job. If you check that location should should see a status of what has been exported and a location of the files.