Let's say I have two functions:
export const setThingAlertsInactive = (userID, thingIDs) => {
return db.any(' UPDATE thing_alerts SET is_active = false WHERE IN (Select * from thing_alerts where user_id = $1 and thing_id IN ($2:csv))', [userID.toString(), thingIDs])
export const archiveOrRestoreThings = (thingIDs, archive) => {
let archivedStatement =''
if(archive === true){
archivedStatement = 'archived = current_timestamp'
} else if(archive === false){
archivedStatement = 'archived = NULL'
return db.none(`UPDATE things SET ${archivedStatement} WHERE id IN ($1:csv)`, [thingIDs])
I want to run them together so if one fails, the other rolls back. In fact I deliberately left an error in the first SQL Query.
Here is my tx function:
export const archiveOrRestoreThingsAndSetAlert = (userID, thingsIDs, archive) => {
return db.tx((transaction) => {
const queries = [archiveOrRestoreThings(thingIDs, archive), setThingAlertsInactive(userID, projectIDs)]
return transaction.batch(queries)
The first query runs and works. The second fails. I need to be able to roll them back in that case. Thanks!
From the author of pg-promise
The reason it doesn't work for you is because the two query functions use the root database connection context, and not the transaction context/scope, i.e. you are executing the queries outside of the transaction connection/scope.
You can change them to support optional task/transaction context:
export const setThingAlertsInactive = (userID, thingIDs, t) => {
return (t || db).none(`UPDATE thing_alerts SET is_active = false WHERE
IN (Select * from thing_alerts where user_id = $1 and thing_id IN ($2:csv))`,
[userID.toString(), thingIDs]);
export const archiveOrRestoreThings = (thingIDs, archive, t) => {
let archivedStatement = '';
if(archive === true) {
archivedStatement = 'archived = current_timestamp'
} else if(archive === false) {
archivedStatement = 'archived = NULL'
return (t || db).none(`UPDATE things SET ${archivedStatement} WHERE id IN ($1:csv)`,
And there is no point using batch
, which is a legacy method, needed only in special cases:
export const archiveOrRestoreThingsAndSetAlert = (userID, thingsIDs, archive) => {
return db.tx(async t => {
await archiveOrRestoreThings(thingIDs, archive, t);
await setThingAlertsInactive(userID, projectIDs, t);