I'm building a BitTorrent client where I give the user an option, through a context menu, to open the containing directory of a torrent.
To do so, I tried using open(_)
method of an NSWorkspace
instance like so:
where directory
is an URL
instance pointing to a directory, like so:
let directory = URL(fileURLWithPath: item.parentPath, isDirectory: true)
Here, item.parentPath
is a String holding an absolute path.
Now, let me clear up that the code runs fine. It successfully opens up the directories I want inside Finder (since it's the default application for opening directories).
However, if the directory happens to be the Downloads directory of the user, it displays this prompt:
Again, this is alright since my application does not have permission to open the Downloads directory. However, I want to attempt to open the directory, asking for permission, just like any other application on macOS, like so:
I looked up in the docs and found this method of NSWorkspace
: open(_:withApplicationAt:configuration:completionHandler:)
. I thought it was great since I could set the promptsUserIfNeeded
property of an NSWorkspace.OpenConfiguration
instance to true, which I believe should make my application politely ask for permission to open the directory if needed.
Here's my resulting code:
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: item.parentPath, isDirectory: true)
let configuration: NSWorkspace.OpenConfiguration = NSWorkspace.OpenConfiguration()
configuration.promptsUserIfNeeded = true
let finder = NSWorkspace.shared.urlForApplication(withBundleIdentifier: "com.apple.finder")
// Open file with default application
NSWorkspace.shared.open([url], withApplicationAt: finder!, configuration: configuration)
Sadly, it's making no difference. I'm still getting the same dialog as shown in the first image.
I want to know two things:
I am assuming you want this all to play nicely within the sandbox. You have two choices:
Use activateFileViewerSelecting(_:)
or selectFile(_:inFileViewerRootedAtPath:)
. Either of these will prompt for permission, & once gained, you can return to using open(_:withApplicationAt:configuration:completionHandler:)
, if you so wish.
Use Security-Scoped Bookmarks and Persistent Resource Access.