I am Trying To Summarise Multiple Columns Based On The Top 5 Values Of Each Variable In R An Example Of The Data Is Below.
A 325 68 8 8
B 308 85 2 7
B 342 99 6 2
A 439 83 9 6
A 278 60 10 2
A 367 78 14 4
C 136 59 12 5
C 259 73 11 4
B 338 79 5 6
B 461 99 3 7
D 364 73 14 4
D 238 80 3 8
A 266 54 10 10
My Current Code Looks Like This:
df2 <- df %>% group_by(ID) %>% top_n(5, A) %>% summarise(ATop5 = mean(A))
The output in df2 displays the information which I need.
However I have multiple variables in the original data frame which I wish to run and appear in the same output as df2.
Currently I am producing a separate df for each variable and then combining into a single df via the ID column.
Missing this step would be of great help.
An option with summarise_at
df %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
summarise_at(vars(A:D), ~ mean(tail(sort(.), 5)))