I am trying to find a way to combine 2 test reports in one, so that I can run 2 levels of tests in the same call. As far as I can see it seems Features are always run in paralell and "parallel=false" only applies to scenarios and I want to run some in sequence and some in parallel. It would be something like this :
public void testParallel() {
Results results1 = Runner.path("classpath:testone").tags("~@ignore").parallel(0);
Results results2 = Runner.path("classpath:testtwo").tags("~@ignore").parallel(5);
# Combine 2 results here
Result = results1 + results2 (or concat, or whatever is correct)
# then generate global report
assertEquals(0, results.getFailCount(), results.getErrorMessages());
Any help appreciated
Thanks ;-)
3 options:
+ @parallel=false
to the Scenario
-s by tag, note that once you enter a call
everything is on the same thread as the "caller"