I'm attempting to run the following type of query using createQueryBuilder
. I've verified that all of my entities are properly created and joined. However, running the following returns an empty array:
let apiKey = await getConnection()
.from(ApiKey, "apiKey")
.innerJoinAndSelect("apiKey.site", "site")
.where("site.domain = :domain", { domain: "mysitename.com" })
.andWhere("apiKey.key = :key", { key })
But! When I replace getMany()
with getSql()
, copy the raw SQL and run it, it works! I get the result I expected:
SELECT "site"."id" AS "site_id", "site"."domain" AS "site_domain", "site"."name" AS "site_name", "site"."createdAt" AS "site_createdAt", "site"."apiKeyId" AS "site_apiKeyId", "site"."userId" AS "site_userId" FROM "api_key" "apiKey" INNER JOIN "site" "site" ON "site"."id"="apiKey"."siteId" WHERE "site"."domain" = 'mysitename.com'
Is there any thing obviously wrong with how I'm trying to build this query?
Thanks in advance for the help!
.getMany() returns type Promise of Entity[], and given the nature of your query, I suspect you are not returning an entity at all. Try .getRawMany() or .getRawAndEntities()
See the documentation on QueryBuilder here for more details.