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Build Dynamic json request using Gatling

I am trying to build random json requests using data from a csv file. I have defined my .scenario function as follows

But when I set the log level to trace I see all the requests having the same values. Is there something I am missing out on?

def getScenario () = {
         scenario("Create API Promotions")
            http("Create Request")

    def getCreateRequest: String = {
         val data = s"""


def getItems (): String = {
        val record: Map[String, Any] = getItemsFromCSV()
        val code: String = record("Code").toString
        val clientDataType: String = record("Type").toString

        val clientData =    (
                                ("Code" -> code) ~
                                ("Type" -> clientDataType)                                 
        val targetJson = List(clientData);
        return compact(render(targetJson))

    def getItemsFromCSV() : Map[String, Any] = {

            val items: Seq[Map[String, Any]] = csv("../resources/create/items.csv").readRecords
            return promoTarget(getRandomNumber(0, items.length-1)) 


  • Gatling EL provide a built-in function (jsonStringify()) that properly formats object into a JSON value (wrap Strings with double quotes, deal with null, etc.)

    Additionally, I think you could use a feeder for getting the csv values.

    val items = csv("../resources/create/items.csv").random
    scenario("Create API Promotions")
      .exec(http("Create Request")
    def buildPostData: Expression[Session] = session => {
      val postData: Map[String, Any] =
            "Code" -> session("Code").as[String],
            "Type" -> session("Type").as[String]
      session.set("postData", postData)

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