I have written a few lines of code in Scala, but don't know how to make the same thing work with immutable variables (val). Any help will be much appreciated.
class Test {
def process(input: Iterable[(Double, Int)]): (Double, Int) = {
var maxPrice: Double = 0.0
var maxVolume: Int = 0
for ((price, volume) <- input) {
if (price > maxPrice) {
maxPrice = price
if (volume > maxVolume) {
maxVolume = volume
(maxPrice, maxVolume)
Can anyone help me in converting all the var to val and making it more functional? Thanks in advance! :)
Use .foldLeft
def process(input: Iterable[(Double, Int)]): (Double, Int) =
input.foldLeft(0.0 -> 0) { case ((maxPrice, maxVolume), (price, volume)) =>
val newPrice = if (maxPrice < price) price else maxPrice
val newVolume = if (maxVolume < volume) volume else maxVolume
newPrice -> newVolume