a have made a proc which create a file for me (in assembly 16 bit in dos box) and it work just fine with short file name(see below). however, when the name is above 8 chars all the others are deleted. for example for the path: 'logs\log_YYYY_MM_DD.log', 0 it will create a file with the name log_YYYY.log how can i make a file with name longer than 8 chars. Thank you.
; Description: create a file.
; param 1: [in] address of File name path.
; Param 2: [out] address of File handle.
; Return: File handle.
proc CreateFile
mov bp, sp
@CreateFile@FileName equ [word ptr bp + 20]
@CreateFile@FileHandle equ [word ptr bp + 18]
mov ah, 3ch ; create file
mov cx, 0 ; file attribute
mov dx, @CreateFile@FileName ; file name
int 21h
jc @CreateFile@Error
mov bx, @CreateFile@FileHandle
mov [word ptr bx], ax
jmp @CreateFile@End
call PrintFileError ;prints an error msg
ret 2
endp CreateFile
how can i make a file with name longer than 8 chars
You can't. DOS supports only 8.3 filenames.
More specifically, the version of DOS implemented in DOSBox does not support long filenames.
From Wikipedia:
Forks such as DOSBox SVN Daum and DOSBox SVN-lfn provide additional features, which include support for save states and long filenames (LFN)
So there are variants of DOSBox that do support long filenames, but the core version does.