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How do I pass a wildcard GLOB to rsync wrapped by Symfony Console?

What I want to do

I want to move all XML files from /source/ to /target/

How I try to do it

rsync -avz --remove-source-files /source/*.xml /target/

I am using the Symfony Process / Console Component as a wrapper for rsync.

  • Process Component ^5.0
  • Symfony Console ^4.3
  • PHP 7.2.

protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output){   
        $process = new Process([
            'rsync', '-azv', '--remove-source-files',

My Problems

Calling my command by running php bin/console command:moveFiles /source/*.xml /target/ results in:

Too many arguments, expected arguments "command" "source-path" "target-path".

It seems like the * in /source/*.xml throws off Symfony (?) and does not let it recognize the correct amount of arguments provided. Escaping the * as in rsync -avz --remove-source-files /source/\*.xml /target/ results in:

rsync: link_stat "/source/*.xml" failed: No such file or directory (2)

How can I pass the wildcard GLOB to rsync wrapped by symfony? Is there another way to achieve this using the console?


  • So I did indeed not manage to resolve the issue but I created a workaround:

        protected function configure()
                ->setDescription('Sync files with option --remove-source-files from „source-path“ to „target-path“.');
        protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        $src = $input->getArgument('source-path');
        $target = $input->getArgument('target-path');
        $include = $input->getArgument('include-filext');
        $process = new Process([
            'rsync', '-avz', '--remove-source-files', '--include="*.' . $include . '"',      $src, $target

    I added another inputArgument called 'include-fileext' to which I can pass some file extention string ('pdf', 'xml', 'jpg', ...). This file extention gets concatenated with the infamous wildchard character '*'. That way I do not actually pass the wildcard character as part of the parameter and therefore I avoid having issues.

    Instead of passing '/source-path/*.xml' and '/target-path/' I pass '/source-path/', 'pdf' and '/target-path/'. This results in the Symfony console executing rsync -avz --remove-source-files --include="*.pdf" /source-path/ /target-path/ and transfers only files matching my include pattern.