I want to run an exe file on window container using Docker. My exe accepts parameters. New file gets created in predefined directory
ie:- Test.exe -f1=file1.txt -f2=file2.txt
**Output** :
Writing file file1.txt
Successfully created file file1.txt
Writing file2 file2.txt
Successfully created file file2.txt
My docker file looks like below
FROM microsoft/aspnet:3.5-windowsservercore-10.0.14393.1715
SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]
Copy Test.exe ./TestFolder/
WORKDIR /TestFolder
ENTRYPOINT ["Test.exe"]
CMD ["f1=file1.txt","f2=file2.txt"]
I build the image and run the container
docker build -t image1 .
docker run -it image1
Once the container runs I get the exact above output but when I login to container machine using scripts, I don't see any file created in the predefined path. Am I missing out anything ? Is this the correct way to run exe file on windows base image?
Any advice is appreciated. Thanks
Found out that the exe was running fine and file was created. The way I logged into the container was wrong.
I should have used:
docker exec -it containername powershell
This runs a new instance of a non-existing image
docker run -it --entrypoint powershell imagename