I am trying to run a 2-way fixed effect model in R, using plm. I am trying to get the treatment effect of an event on municipalities votes on referenda.
I would like to run the model with municipality and referenda fixed effects. Each row or unit is a pair of municipality*referendum.
I am trying to fit the model using the following:
model_2fe <- plm(vote.ant.immig ~ pre.post, data = clean.df, effect = "twoways", index = c("municipality.code", "ref.code"))
And I keep on getting the following:
Error in plm.fit(data, model, effect, random.method, random.models, random.dfcor, : empty model
If it helps: pre.post is a factor indicating treatment condition (1,0), vote.ant.immig is a numeric object, municipality.code is a factor, as is ref.code.
Could anyone help me? Thanks!
Another way to accomplish what @Helix123 discusses above, is to create a new dummy variable for municipality x referendum fixed effects.
clean.df$muni_x_ref <- factor(paste(clean.df$municipality, clean.df$refcode, sep='X'))
Then you can tabulate prepost with your new muni_x_ref
variable. First few lines below. You see that you have only one realisation of your independent variable for each of the municipality x referendum fixed effects. Your fe's and independent variable are fully collinear, and there is no variation to estimate your model. I believe you need to rethink what you want to estimate.
table(clean.df$muni_x_refcode, df$prepost)
0 1
AdlikonX5240 1 0
AdlikonX5250 1 0
AdlikonX5320 1 0
AdlikonX5470 1 0
AdlikonX5521 1 0
AdlikonX5522 1 0
AdlikonX5710 1 0
AdlikonX5800 0 1
AdlikonX5880 0 1
AdlikonX5970 0 1
AdlikonX6040 0 1
AdlikonX6090 0 1
Aeugst am AlbisX5240 1 0
Aeugst am AlbisX5250 1 0
Aeugst am AlbisX5320 1 0
Aeugst am AlbisX5470 1 0
Aeugst am AlbisX5521 1 0
Aeugst am AlbisX5522 1 0
Aeugst am AlbisX5710 1 0
Aeugst am AlbisX5800 0 1
Aeugst am AlbisX5880 0 1
Aeugst am AlbisX5970 0 1
Aeugst am AlbisX6040 0 1
Aeugst am AlbisX6090 0 1
Affoltern am AlbisX5240 1 0
Affoltern am AlbisX5250 1 0
Affoltern am AlbisX5320 1 0
Affoltern am AlbisX5470 1 0
Affoltern am AlbisX5521 1 0
Affoltern am AlbisX5522 1 0
Affoltern am AlbisX5710 1 0 ....