I've been learning how to working with Jekyll and by now I'm trying to develop my first liquid tag. It purpose will be render my flair of a given StackExchange community.
This way, when I inject {% flair stackoverflow %}
in a page, it should be replaced by the equivalent HTML. Here follows the code:
module Jekyll
class FlairTag < Liquid::Tag
def initialize(tag_name, community, tokens)
@community = community
def render(context)
output = \
"<a href=\"{{ #{@community}.url }}/users/{{ #{@community}.id }}/{{ site.data.stackexchange.user.nickname }}\">" \
"<img src=\"https://stackexchange.com/users/flair/{{ site.data.stackexchange.user.id }}\" " \
"width=\"208\" height=\"58\" " \
"title=\"Profile for {{ site.data.stackexchange.user.nickname }} on {{ include.label }}\">" \
"alt=\"Profile for {{ site.data.stackexchange.user.nickname }} on {{ include.label }}\"" \
return output
Liquid::Template.register_tag('flair', Jekyll::FlairTag)
I've read here that returning a string containing the desired HTML code I would achieve my goal, however it hasn't occurred properly, I mean, it has not been the same as if I wrote the HTML directly in the page.
Is there something I'm missing out? Or would have another way to write out HTML code as the return of the ruby function / liquid tag?
Your liquid expressions like {{ site.data.stackexchange.user.id }}
will not be interpreted here. You need to use variables to output your datas.
As I'm guessing that you store your datas in a _data/stackoverflow.yml file that may look like :
url: https://stackoverflow.com
id: 2989289
user: artu-hnrq
This code will do the job :
module Jekyll
class FlairTag < Liquid::Tag
def initialize(tag_name, community, tokens)
# if this tag is called with {% flair stackoverflow %}
# the "community" variable will be "stackoverflow "
# in order to remove the trailing space, we strip the variable
@community = community.strip
def render(context)
site = context.registers[:site]
data = site.data[@community]
url = data["url"]
id = data["id"]
user = data["user"]
alt = "Profile for #{user} on #{@community}"
output = %(
<a href="#{url}/users/#{id}/#{user}">
<img src="#{url}/users/flair/#{id}.png"
width="208" height="58"
Liquid::Template.register_tag('flair', Jekyll::FlairTag)
Note : from my point of view if this snippet is located in a unique place on your site (cv, footer, ...) this can be achieved with a simple include.
There is nearly no performance gain if this tag doesn't need to be customized for each pages, and your code stays maintainable by someone with only html/liquid knowledge.