I have a trickie issue in terms of noUiSlider usage. I have two sliders that I'd like to toggle depending on the need.
Now the problem is that one is from left-to-right and the other from right-to-left. If I now destroy the slider and create a new one everything works like a charm. But the problem is, that the 'slide' event will then be unbound due to the destruction which I definitely need to avoid.
Any workaround for this?
You have some options:
You can create two sliders (one left-to-right, one right-to-left), attach the event handler to both, and hide the one not in use;
Alternatively, you can re-add the same event handler after recreating the slider.
As pseudocode:
function initializeSlider(direction) {
var slideEventHandler = function () { /***/ }
var slider = noUiSlider.create( /.../ );
slider.noUiSlider.on('slide', slideEventHandler);
// ....