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Association Clusters to Heatmap

I have two seperate dataframes, from one of these I have already created a heatmap from the first dataframe, however I want to add a sidebar that indicates the type of family that a gene is actually associated to it.

Dataframe 1

BGC1     BGC2    Distance
BGC31     BGC34     0.6
BGC34     BGC45     0.7
BGC34     BGC53     0.2
BGC53     BGC31     0.8


BGC1     Association  
BGC31     Skin Cancer
BGC34     Skin Cancer     
BGC34     Lung Cancer     
BGC53     Liver Cancer

Heatmap Creation:

p3 <- heatmap.3(comat, scale = "none", trace = "none", col = color,  main="GCF Co-Occurrence Map"
                ,lhei=c(0.5,1),  keysize=0.5, cexRow = 0.60, cexCol = 0.65)

I'm looking to create something like this where each color represents a type of gene cluster associated to a specific gene class:

enter image description here


  • Look at the section "Adding annotation based on additional factors using RowSideColors" in heatmaply manual:

    x  <- as.matrix(datasets::mtcars)
    rc <- colorspace::rainbow_hcl(nrow(x))
      x[, -c(8, 9)],
      seriate = "mean",
      col_side_colors = c(rep(0, 5), rep(1, 4)),
      row_side_colors = x[, 8:9]


    enter image description here