I was developing code on Ubuntu using VMware. Everything was fine, I was coding and committing it to my Github account without any problem. BUT suddenly it stopped working, it would say: fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/hm0ss/nst.git/': Could not resolve host: github.com
What Have I done? I searched it on google and used config command and other advice, with no avail. I also made another git repository, but that failed either. I switched to GitLab and made a repository there, which had no benefit: "Unable to access 'https://gitlab.com/hma.globe/nst2.git/': Could not resolve host: gitlab.com" I need to say that I was using a proxy (socks indeed) but even disconnecting socks server (or removing proxies from google chrome) did not work either. By the way, I even switched to windows and tried to commit but came across to same error. After trying some 2 hours, I'm now in big trouble.
Check first if the issue persists.
GitHub status has been reporting several issues recently (in the last few hours) which could explain "sudden" problems of yours.
For example: this incident: "We are investigating degradations to GitHub.com".
GitLab had no recent issues though, which means a network issue on your side could also be a factor.
The OP did a reset of the VMware to solve the network issue.
And a full reset to origin/master
+ copy of the current work to lake and push a new commit successfully to GitHub.