as in my previous question Randomize Lines order in textbox with StringBuilder nobody really answer it with good real answer so i randomize the lines with another way
i want to put to array the final result then shuffle it , then turn it to string again.
Dim sb As New StringBuilder
For Each line In texbox1.text.Lines
sb.AppendLine(line & " CODE-DONE-1")
sb.AppendLine(line & " CODE-DONE-2")
sb.AppendLine(line & " CODE-DONE-3")
textbox2.text = sb.ToString 'Want to randomize Lines Order
my attempt
Dim sb As New StringBuilder
For Each line In texbox1.text.Lines
sb.AppendLine(line & " CODE-DONE-1")
sb.AppendLine(line & " CODE-DONE-2")
sb.AppendLine(line & " CODE-DONE-3")
Dim list = New List(Of String) From {sb.ToString}
Dim rnd As New Random()
Dim shuffled = list.OrderBy(Function(x) rnd.Next()).ToList()
TextBox2.Text = shuffled
getting alot of errors , i hope you get idea what i want to do , i want to Shuffle output Lines in sb.ToString
Recapping the answer by @Calus Jard and JQSOFT.
1.Declare a variable at form level for the Random class
2.Declare a List(Of T)
3.Add your lines to the list.
4.Shuffle the list with the OrderBy and display in TextBox2
Private rand As New Random
Private Sub OPCode()
Dim lst As New List(Of String)
For Each line In TextBox1.Lines
lst.Add(line & " CODE-DONE-1")
lst.Add(line & " CODE-DONE-2")
lst.Add(line & " CODE-DONE-3")
TextBox2.Lines = lst.OrderBy(Function(x) rand.Next).ToArray
End Sub
Credit goes to JQSoft and Calus. This is just a recap.