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How to test exceptions handling in @ControllerAdvice

I currently have two ControllerAdvice in my application, I'm supposed to merge them into one. But I need to test them before and after the merge, test the exception and the object that the controller return me.

I'm trying to make a jUnit test with Mockito but it seems impossible to test the exceptions without any context, without a controller, etc ...

Does anyone know how can I proceed to achieve what I'm trying to do ?

I also try to throw manually an exception but obviously it wasn't catched by the ControllerAdvice.

So basically here is what i'm trying to do: Manually throw an exception This exception is handled by my ControllerAdvice Check the returned object (code & message)

Here is a sample of code I have:

public void setup() {
    mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(getController())
                .setControllerAdvice(new GlobalControllerExceptionHandler())
                .setCustomArgumentResolvers(resolver, resolver_0, resolver_1)

public static class RestProcessingExceptionThrowingController {

    @RequestMapping(value = "/exception", method = GET)
    public @ResponseBody String find() {
        throw new EntityNotFoundException();

public void testHandleException() throws Exception {
            .andExpect(new ResultMatcher() {

                public void match(MvcResult result) throws Exception {

I have the good status code at the end but it doesn't use my ControllerAdvice (I try with the debugger)


  • You can just call handler method directly

        public ResponseEntity someOfMyExceptionsHandler(Exception e){

    and in test

    private MyAdvice advice=new MyAdvice();
    public void oneOfTests(){
        Exception e=new SomeSortOfExceptionToTest();

    If you want to test how spring integrates with your handlers - if your annotations are correct, ordering serialization etc - well that will be an integration test and you have to boot up test context - then you can throw exceptions directly from controller methods.