I have a react microservice (via nginx) deployed onto google cloud run with its environment variable for the backend set to another google cloud run instance that's running gunicorn which is serving the backend.
My Flask app is set up following everything I could find about allowing CORS:
app = Flask(__name__)
CORS(app, resources={r"/*": {"origins": "*"}})
app.config['CORS_HEADERS'] = 'Content-Type'
return app
# Different file, a blueprint's urls:
def get_resources():
Yet I'm still getting the dreaded Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://backend/resources/' from origin 'https://frontend' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
Does anyone have any insight into this/know where else to look in figuring this out? I wanted to set up GKE with my microservices but took the path of least resistance initially to get a POC up in the cloud. I have the backend speaking with my Cloud SQL instance, and I'm so close!!
Thank you
Everything was self inflicted.
As Dustin Ingram mentioned, if you enable CORS for Flask, it will work. I still have NO idea why I was getting the CORS issues at all, I've had CORS enabled for my Flask app from the get go.
After I nuked everything and redeployed, the CORS issues disappeared. However, I still ended up getting either 404s, 405s, and 308s.
There were a couple of issues, all my shortcomings, that in combination gave me those issues. In create-react-app (webpack I think is doing it), environment variables passed into the docker runtime does not get respected, so the environment variable I set in Cloud Run wasn't working at all. Currently I opted for the process.env.VARIABLE || 'hardcoded-url' route. Once I got that figured out, I also remembered trailing slashes in flask URLs are bad.... Those gave me 308s, permanent redirects. Once I got that figured out, I realized during my manual deployments, I wasn't switching the cloud build image to the latest. Sigh. Once I started deploying the latest images, everything started working. Yay!
Thanks Dustin and Gabe for spending your time on my foolishness.