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PostgreSQL subquery (illogical) bug in select statement with join equivalent working?

I have some funny bug with Postgres 9.5.1

I got 2 tables that contain related data contacts (id, name) and jobs (id, contact_id, name).

I'm not sure of the validity of this query (given the curious behavior explained just after).

-- get unassigned contacts 
select * from contacts where id not in (select contact_id from jobs);

Edit : The following case was how i tried to analyze the issue. See the end of post and comments to get why the query is not correct.

When testing with a case of contact id=20 without job, I got some (IMO) strange result (a notable difference in results between a select query and a join equivalent).

First, I need to assert some prerequisites (step A). Next, I show the result with join (step B). Finally, I show the result using subquery (step D). (Step C is the complementary request of D and is only here to highlight what I found strange).

A-0. check that there is datas in both tables : OK

select count(distinct id) from contacts;
--> returns 10100
select count(distinct id) from jobs;
--> returns 12000
select count(distinct id) from contacts where id in (select contact_id from jobs);
--> returns 10000

A-1. get name in table contacts for id=20 : OK

select name from contacts where id=20;
--> returns "NAME"

A-3. check contact id=20 is NOT in table jobs : OK

select id from jobs where contact_id=20;
--> returns nothing (0 row)

B. get name and (null) job id for contact id=20 with join : OK

from contacts c
left join jobs j
--> returns 20, "NAME", <NULL>

C. get contact id=20 only if it is assigned in jobs : OK

select name from contacts where id in (select contact_id from jobs) and id=20;
--> returns nothing (0 row); (that's the expected result)

D. get contact id=20 only if is NOT assigned in jobs : KO

select name from contacts where id not in (select contact_id from jobs) and id=20;
--> returns nothing (0 row); (that's not the expected result - "NAME")

Funny conclusion

C and D queries got the same results.

In logical terms, this could means that in pgsql:

id NOT IN (..values..)  ==  id IN (..values..)

Can a "Postgres guru" find me a nice explanation or should I call the FBI?


following the answers

My query

select * from contacts where id not in (select contact_id from jobs);

was not correct, because NOT IN can't handle NULL values. Therefore, it is not the right selector to check (non)existence of a value.

See NULL values inside NOT IN clause.

The correct query is the following :

-- to get unassigned contacts 
select * from contacts c  where not exists (select 1 from jobs where;

For a specified id :

select * from contacts c  where not exists (select 1 from jobs where and id=20;

This query works too :

select * from contacts where id not in (select contact_id from jobs where contact_id is not null);


  • What you are seeing is a null-safety problem. If any value returned by the not in subquery is null, all other values are ignored. We say that not in is not null-safe.

    Imagine that the subquery returns: (1, 2, null). The not in condition becomes:

    id <> 1 and id <> 2 and id <> null

    The first two conditions evaluate as true, but the last one is unknown, which contaminates the whole predicate, that, in turns, returns unknown. As a consequence, all rows are evicted.

    This is one of the reason why the use of not in is usually discouraged. You can simply rewrite this with not exists:

    select name 
    from contacts c 
    where = 20 and not exists(select 1 from jobs j where j.contact_id =;