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how to get difference of sum of values of acolumn of two different tables in mysql?

Table Income

| Id | amount | description |
| 26 |  10000 | Salary      |
| 27 |    500 | Test        |

Second Expense

| Id | amount | description |
| 10 |   3000 | Rent        |
| 11 |   1500 | Test        |

I Want the Output as

| Total |
|  6000 |

Example:- Sum(amount) from Income - Sum(amount) from Expense;


  • Just substract the results of two aggregate scalar queries:

        (select sum(amount) from income)
        - (select sum(amount) from expense) total

    Or in case any table may be empty or contain only null amounts:

        (select coalesce(sum(amount), 0) from income)
        - (select coalesce(sum(amount), 0) from expense) total

    Note that, as commented by Strawberry, having a single table for income and expenses would probably be a better fit for your use case. You can either store expenses are negative amounts, or have a flag that indicates whether each row is an income or an expense.