Trying to export a file using write.xlsx() from package "xlsx".
File export works as expected, however having trouble with the naming convention.
I wish for the file to be names as follows:
filename <today's date>.xlsx
At present I can do either of the following:
write.xlsx(exports, paste("filename", Sys.Date(),".xlsx"))
which gives:
filename 2020-04-21 .xlsx
Or I can write
write.xlsx(exports, paste("filename", Sys.Date(),".xlsx", sep = ""))
which gives:
How do I remove the space between the date and file extension such that the file name is:
filename 2020-04-01.xlsx
I appreciate this is somewhat a vanity thing and I could use sep = "_"
to place underscores throughout, but this is not the naming convention I am trying to achieve.
Wow. I cannot believe I didn't think to just add an additional space in the last example.
Going to blame cabin fever from social distancing/isolating for that little derp.
write.xlsx(exports, paste("filename ", Sys.Date(),".xlsx", sep = ""))