I want to update a piechart with dash:
[Input('piechartinput', 'value')]
def update_piechart(new_val):
return {px.pie(dfs, names = new_val, values='Wert')}
Unfortunately I get this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\TO3THY0\.spyder-py3\Dashboard\Dashboard.py", line 153, in update_piechart
return {px.pie(dfs, names = new_val, values='Wert')}
TypeError: unhashable type: 'Figure'
Can anybody help me? Thanks!
In your Callback you return the new value for piechart.figure
. As described in https://plotly.com/python/creating-and-updating-figures/ you can pass a dictionary with one data
and one layout
field. In your code you are using a wrong syntax resulting in the figure being used as a key instead of the value. As the figure is not hashable you get an error. With plotly express you can pass the figure directly.
In your example a correct implementation could look like this:
[Input('piechartinput', 'value')]
def update_piechart(new_val):
return px.pie(dfs, names=new_val, values='Wert')