I am trying to use ngrok to create a dev shopify app. I had it working for a short time, but now i keep getting the error message.
The connection to https://da003848.ngrok.io was successfully tunneled to your ngrok client, but the client failed to establish a connection to the local address localhost:3000.
I am alo seeing the 502 error below;
Session Status online
Account whileymai (Plan: Free)
Version 2.3.35
Region United States (us)
Web Interface
Forwarding http://da003848.ngrok.io -> http://localhost:3000
Forwarding https://da003848.ngrok.io -> http://localhost:3000
Connections ttl opn rt1 rt5 p50 p90
2 0 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
HTTP Requests
GET /favicon.ico 502 Bad Gateway
502 Bad Gateway
Not sure how to fix this. Thanks
when your terminal in on then ngrok will return the same URL but when you restart ngrok it will create a VPN with a new URL. You can also signup then it will work permanently until your system is ON. Click here to create an account and get YOUR_AUTHTOKEN
$ ngrok authtoken <YOUR_AUTHTOKEN>