i'm trying to write a log to cloudwatch (just to understand how it works)
so from the aws-cli (already configured) i'm issuing this command
aws logs put-log-events --log-group-name testgroup --log-stream-name teststream1 --log-events timestamp=1587488538,message=hello
on cloudwatch the group-name and the stream-log already exist and the the names are correct
the output of the command is the following
{ "rejectedLogEventsInfo": { "tooOldLogEventEndIndex": 1 } }
the user i'm using has the "AdministratorAccess" policy attached (and to be sure i've added "CloudWatchFullAccess" policy as well)
You need to convert your timestamp to milliseconds version (multiply with 1000 in your case)
aws logs put-log-events --log-group-name testgroup --log-stream-name teststream1 --log-events timestamp=1587488538000,message=hello
please check AWS CLI examples