I want to keep the rows of a dataframe (20 rows) of matrix that only has 13 columns, meaning to eliminate the rows of my dataframe that have the same name as the column names of my matrix. Thus end up with a final dataframe of 13 rows, this because I want to annotate this dataframe to my matrix when plotting a heatmap in the future.
I'm not sure if this is actually possible :S
Sample Data:
Mydataframe <- data.frame(casecontrol = c(rep("case",10),rep("Control",10)),
row.names(Mydataframe) <- sapply(1:20, function(x) paste0("sample",x))
Mymatrix <- matrix(0,nrow=10,ncol=13)
colnames(Mymatrix) <- sapply(1:13, function(x) paste0("sample",x))
You can find the matches and remove them as follows:
RowsToRemove <- match(colnames(Mymatrix),row.names(Mydataframe))
MyNewdataframe <- Mydataframe[-RowsToRemove,]
> MyNewdataframe
casecontrol condition
sample14 Control cond3
sample15 Control cond3
sample16 Control cond4
sample17 Control cond4
sample18 Control cond4
sample19 Control cond4
sample20 Control cond4