I have a dataGrid and an expander as follows:
<DataGrid ....>
<Expander ...>
I want the datagrid as big as possible and the expander as small as possible at the begining. When a user clicks the expander, I want it to expand upwards instead of downwards, and have the datagrid shrink.
You can define the row heights in the Grid, and then put the expander in the bottom row, and let the grid sort it out.
* - This height is one unit, where the total height is divided by the number of units and apportioned out. So if the height was 300 and there were two rows, 2* and *, then they would be 200 and 100 each.
Auto - This is whatever the minimum height of the content is.
<RowDefinition Height="*" />
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<Canvas Grid.Row="0" Background="LightBlue" />
<Expander Grid.Row="1">
<Canvas Background="LightGreen" Height="200" />