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Jenkins file, check if Globals variable exists

I have jenkinsfile with defined Globals varible for timeout

class Globals {
    static String TEST_TIMEOUT = ""

I am using functions from shared library I am using the global variable to set a timeout for function. Since the shared library used by other projects that doesn't define the Globals variable I defined environment variable in the function file to be used as default value for time out.


Then in function I want to check if Globals variable exists, I want to use the value as time out, if not the to use the default value.

   env.TESTS_TIME_OUT= "${Globals.TEST_TIMEOUT}"   
timeout(time: "${env.TESTS_TIME_OUT}", unit: 'MINUTES') {

I`ve done it before with success on env parameters, but this time I am getting an error

No such field found: field java.lang.Class TEST_TIMEOUT 

Any ideas how to solve this ? Or Any other way to check if Globals variable exists ?

Thank you


  • You can catch groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException which will be thrown if either Globals or Globals.TEST_TIMEOUT does not exist:

    try {
        env.TESTS_TIME_OUT = Globals.TEST_TIMEOUT
    catch( groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException e ) {
        env.TESTS_TIME_OUT = "10080"

    You could even move this pattern into a generic function...

    def getPropOrDefault( Closure c, def defaultVal ) {
        try {
            return c()
        catch( groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException e ) {
            return defaultVal

    ... which could be called like this:

    env.TESTS_TIME_OUT = getPropOrDefault({ Globals.TEST_TIMEOUT }, '10080')

    This could be useful if there are many different globals that you want to treat similar. Safes you from writing many try/catch blocks.

    The closure is required to make sure that the expression Globals.TEST_TIMEOUT will be evaluated inside of the try/catch block of getPropOrDefault instead of before the function call.