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How to read the value from a TreeItem / DataItem using Windows Application Driver / C#?

I am having trouble accessing the text within a DataItem. Is there a way to get the text ["Repair Exceptions(0)" etc] for each node in the TreeItem using windows application driver?


    <TreeItem Name="Node0">
        <DataItem Name="Item row 0"/>
    <TreeItem Name="Node1">
        <DataItem Name="Item row 1"/>

What Data looks like on the screen

enter image description here

Further Investigation

Using Microsoft Inspect tool provided the details that I am looking for is the value.

Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.18362.0\x64\inspect.exe

ControlType: UIA_DataItemControlTypeId


  • I was able to pull it out using the element.Text.

    var elements = session.FindElements(By.XPath($"//DataItem"));
    foreach(var dataItem in elements)

    "Repair Exceptions (0)"
    "Input Exceptions (0)"